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Eliminate small boilers and introduce external heat into Jinan. Jinan is expected to completely adopt clean heating by 2020.The energy structure dominated by coal has long restricted the improvement of air quality in northern cities. In May of this year, the Ministry of Finance and three other departments selected 12 cities including Jinan as the first batch of pilot cities for winter clean heating in northern regions, with a pilot period of 3 years. By 2020, these 12 cities will receive a total of 21.9 billion yuan in central government subsidies. Following the principle of "using gas where suitable, using electricity where suitable, and utilizing clean energy as much as possible", feasible clean heating technology pathways will be designed according to local conditions. Recently, the Jinan version of the plan was officially issued, with further measures to tackle smog during the heating season. According to the plan, all coal-fired boilers of 35 steam tons and below in the city will be demolished in 2017, involving 323 units with a total of 1,605 steam tons; all coal-fired boilers above 35 steam tons will achieve ultra-low emissions, involving 94 units with a total of 14,960 steam tons. Jinan will become the first provincial capital in China to eliminate all coal-fired boilers of 35 steam tons and below. After the elimination of coal-fired boilers, what will be used as a substitute? Firstly, utilizing central heating (including waste heat utilization) to replace coal-fired boilers, continuing to develop and utilize waste heat from local large power plants, and accelerating the introduction of waste heat from surrounding cities. Secondly, vigorously expanding the coverage of the gas pipeline network, increasing gas supply, and promoting the conversion of coal-fired boilers to gas. Thirdly, accelerating the conversion of coal-fired boilers to electricity through electric storage boilers, heat pumps (air source, sewage source, etc.), and electric steam boilers. Keyword: Introducing external heat - "Borrowing warmth" from Binzhou and Liaocheng for 100 million square meters Based on the long-distance waste heat heating capacity of Huaneng Jinan Huangtai Power Generation Co., Ltd. and Huadian Zhangqiu Power Generation Co., Ltd., the "External Heat into Jinan" western and eastern projects will be implemented successively, planning to introduce waste heat from multiple power plants of Liaocheng Xinfa Group Co., Ltd. and Shandong Weiqiao Pioneering Group Co., Ltd. Among them, the western project plan is particularly noteworthy. According to media reports, on April 26th, Jinan held a meeting to determine the establishment of a long-distance heating company, planning to introduce high-temperature water heat source from Liaocheng Xinfa Power Plant, and bring "external heat" to the urban area of Jinan through a 63-kilometer heat transmission pipeline network. After the completion of the project, the heat transmission pipeline network will become the longest "borrowed warmth" pipeline network in the country. According to reports, the first phase of the project plans to use the Chiping heat source for the 2017 heating season, providing 20 million square meters of heating capacity for the western part of Jinan. The entire project is scheduled to be completed in March 2019, and by 2020, it will achieve a heating capacity of 80 million square meters, satisfying heating needs of over 100 million square meters through peak shaving. Keyword: Building renovation - Selecting two towns as pilots for building energy efficiency renovation this year From 2017 to 2019, continue to promote energy-saving renovations of existing buildings with renovation value. In urban areas, urban-rural fringe areas, and counties, it is planned to implement energy-saving renovations for about 20 million square meters of existing buildings. Among them, the existing habitable area with renovation value in the urban area is about 17.3 million square meters; the county area is about 2.7 million square meters. In view of the complexity of rural housing construction types and the difficulty of energy-saving renovation of houses in rural areas, two towns with an area of 0.5 million square meters will be selected as pilots in 2017, and gradually rolled out. From 2018 to 2019, 1.1 million square meters of renovation will be completed. Keyword: Replacing coal - Achieving the elimination and clearing of inferior bulk coal by 2020 Use electricity where suitable, use gas where suitable, and use heat where suitable. Encourage the use of geothermal, electricity, natural gas, and large-scale biogas to replace coal. In Shanghe County, Jiyang County, Zhangqiu District, and other places rich in geothermal resources, use medium-deep ge |